Friday, June 14, 2019

Ff Is For Father's Day and Fun

     Ever had plans to get back into things but you find God has plans for you to spend your attention and energy towards something else entirely? The last several weeks that is what happened to me. A family emergeny/loss happened for my family, and most significantly for my baby brother.  Ok so my brother is twenty-five years old, but let's be real.. as an older sister our youngest siblings still tend to be babies to us in so many ways, but especially when we hear they are hurt. This particular family emergency ended up requiring me to be on the road for 16 hrs. altogether in a week. A lot of driving back and forth. With all that being done I ended up doing less stuff with my own kid educationally than I wanted. I did do a little review each morning where I had my child practice tracing one letter from Aa-Ee. Thankfully it is Summertime here, so in some ways it was easier to put it off. It definitely put me behind on my blog posting, as those of you who stopped by have noticed.
      Because of the craziness I ended up focusing kind of on two themes that sort of gp well together as well as the letter Ff.  We did a fun week of learning all about camping as well as the importance of Father's Day. Camping tends to be a father/child bonding experience so I thought they would work-out nicely together.

Letter Ff Books We Read Together:
My F Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure
Tiger Flowers by Patricia Quinlan (this book ended up being about a boy who loses his uncle to aids... i kind of skimmed over the parts that felt to mature for my 3.5 yr old...did not look closely enough at it when I borrowed it).
Alice the Fairy by David Shannon
Finders Keepers by Will and Nicolas
About Feelings by Richard L. Allington and Kathleen Cowles

Camping Themed Books We Read Together
Just Me and My Dad by Mercer Mayer
Monster and Mouse Go Camping Deborah Underwood
Curious George Goes Camping by Margaret and H. A. Rey
A Campfire for Cowboy Billy by Wendy K. Ulmer
A Bunny's Night Out by Roni Schutter

Father's Day Books We Read Together
Just Me and My Dad by Mercer Mayer
Just Go to Bed by Mercer Mayer
Meeting Trees by Scott Russell Sanders
Froggy's Day With Dad by Jonathan London
Happy Father's Day by Steven Krall

Songs We Sang This Week
I Can Be Your Friend from Veggie Tales
Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Funny Fish
I Can Fly from Peter Pan
Firework by Katy Perry

Home On the Range
A Camping We Will Go
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
When We Camp
Campfire Pokey

Our Father by Michael W. Smith
I've Been Watching You by Rodney Atkins
I See A Hero by Shawna Belt Edwards
Father's Love by Gary Valenciano
Handprints On the Wall by Kenny Rogers

Activities We Did This Week

Intro Practice Tracing letter Ff
Ff picture vocab review
Play Mr. Fix-it with tools
Play food master with play kitchen
Play with flashlight
Play follow the leader
Firefighter dramatic play
Fun with foam shapes and foam blocks
Play with toy farm
Fingerprint art fun
Fun with fruity pebbles
Play outside in the grass with flour.

Prepare/gather necessities for camping
Set-up tent/campsite out on backyard
Make binoculars. Use two toilet papet rolls. Paint them then glue then together.
Hike around the backyard/neighborhood.
Marshmallow fun
Outside pic-nic lunch with camping foods.
Tye-dye t-shirts
Play camping games like egg toss or other racing games...
Make s-mores

Work on Father's Day surprise. I will try to go into more details about this next post as I do not want to ruin anything for my husband on the off chance he decides to check-out this post.

Sorry For My Absence