Monday, August 27, 2018

Introduction to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory


While taking early childhood education
courses I became bombarded with the ideas of so many different theories of how children learn. Skinner, Pavlov, Frued,  along with many others. It was hard sometimes to keep track of which psychologist and behavioral theorist came up with which theory. Many times it was well accepted to hear us students ask, now as it Sigmund Fruied who is famous for (insert a learning theory here) or was is Montessori? After going through coyrse after course it becomes more natural to figure out which learning behavioral theories are more favored, and which ones you became to hate mainly because of how much focus was part of it. Not that the ones most hated were not important. They are, which is why they had full courses based on those particular ones. 
     I have a few teaching/learning styles I have come to really appreciate and use most when teaching my classes. One of my personal favorites is keeping Howard Gardener's multiple intelligence theory in mind when putting together lesson plans for early pre-k. His thoery basically is each child has unique learning styles. Children learn best when being taught through their learning styles. Also each child has more than one learning style. Usually early childhood 2-3 yr olds tend to fall into 3 of the 8 styles, spatial, linguistic, and musical, but that does not mean every child falls into those three. I will give a general definition of each of the 8 and maybe it will help you figure out which ways your child learns best. I have found my child has learned best through those three categories. Also bear with me and the way the words ended up being formatted on this post. I am using my phone and blogger is acting a little bonkers on me today.

  •   Children with this learning style learn best from visuals. They usually will enjoy reading and writing. They tend to be very good at putting puzzles together
  • good at interpreting pictures. They love spending time with the visual arts and are good at understandimg what pictures are supposed to be about. They also recognize patterns easily. 
  •                                Linguistic
  • Children with this learning style are great with verbal learning. They are good at remembering written and spoken information. They enjoy reading and writing. Also they give impeccable persuasive speeches and thrive on debating
  • They are good with giving explanation for things they are understanding
  •                        Logical-Mathmatical
  • Children with this style tend to be the logical thinkers. They love figuring out patterns and thinking about abstract ideas.  They love coubting and working on numbers. They love problem solving and working out how things work through experiments.
  •                        Bodily-Kinesthetic 
  • Children with this learning style need movement. Sitting still for them is pure torture. They tend to have great body control. They have excellent physical coordination which makes exercising, dancing, and sports second nature to them. They learn lots of things with getting their hands dirty. They tend to renember best through physically working through it with someone giving examples than reading directions. 
Children with this learning style learn best through music. They are naturally aware of patterns and beats, rhythms, tones. They memorize songs and melodies as easily as they breath. The are more prone to playing with musical instruments and understand concepts after singing songs or hearing quiet music in the background.

Children work best and thrive in group settings. These are people people meaning they are great at building relationships. They are also known for their peacekeeping abilities when problems arise amongs friends. They are great with communication and also pick up on non-verbal cues super easily.
Children here are more reflective. They love to spend time thinking about life and ideas moreso on their own. They are great at understanding their feelings and able to express their thoughts to others. They can realize what they are good at and not so good at which makes them very self aware.

Children who have this learning style are focused on nature. Anything and everything about the outdoor world. They love studying and experimenting and exploring the great outdoors. They love hiking and categorizing what new concepts they have learned through nature.

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