Friday, August 10, 2018


     Hey all of you readers out there welcome to my blog. My name is Teresa. I am married to a wonderful husband and I stay at home with my almost 3 yr old son.
     If I am being honest I am mostly using this blog as a reference tool for some of my pre-k lessons i will be doing with my little guy. Because of this I do not really expect to have a whole lot of excitement here, unless these ideas are something future stay at home mommas may be interested in or find helpful to pass the time away.
     I should probably have explained that I was, and still am, an early childhood educator before before I became pregnant and decided to stay at home with my son. A lot of these lesson plans kind of comes from things I have done in the past with my son's age group. With that being said, these lesson plans are not something to fret over if he does not really get them yet, he is almost three after all. They are mainly about introducing these ideas to him. If he remembers them than great, if he does not than no biggie. Almost three years old is still a time for learning through play more than anything else.
     You may be wondering why I chose this name for my blog. Well honestly it is because as an adult I find everyday objects, to be ordinary and so I do not always give them much thought. Through a very young child's eyes the objects or concepts or ideas I find ordinary are actually extraordinary. When I am playing and working with my toddler I begin to remember that ordinary things are so much more than that with him. They are new, exciting, magical, hard, intimidating, and sometimes scary. When I am sitting there experiencing these things with him I am watching the everyday ordinary things become extraordinary and it is a beautiful sight to behold. I hope you find something you like while visiting in on this little blog.

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