Wednesday, August 15, 2018

B Is For Blocks

     The letter for the week that we are focusing on is Bb. One of the toys that I have chosen to use with my son are blocks. His duplo blocks, foam blocks, and wooden blocks. Quite a mess, but considering how important block play is, I do not mind. Plus, it gives him a chance at helping me with clean-up.
     I want to explain some ways that  young children learn through block play. It is more than them being able to learn how to use blocks to enhance their imaginary play, as well as strengthen their social skills. There is a lot going on for them while enjoying the fun of building blocks.
    While toddlers and young children build with blocks they are strengthening their problem solving skills. They have to use those brain muscles to figure out how to put together the building they are wanting for their imagination to become reality. They are learning what will work through trial and error. Sometimes kids get so frustrated when it does not work out the way they want it too, but when given a little break to calm down it is there ready for them to give it another try.
     Balancing blocks on top of one another also works to help strengthen those tiny fine motor skills. This is important for them when they are learning to write and draw. It also helps them with their hand and eye coordination, which also helps them with their writing skills as well as stronger athletic skills too.
     When they build the tower the way they hoped to in their mind it builds their self confidence. This will then help them feel less scared to learn even more trickier concepts. Building self-confidence is so important to help them be good leaders too and team plauers.
     Also, block play helps them with their mathmatical skills. They are basically little architects while designing and implementing those block structures. No matter how small their structure may seem, to them it is a masterpiece of creativity.
     There really is a lot going on in those minds as the build, plow, and explore through a big pile of blocks. What other ways can you think of that show how important free block play is for kids?

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