Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Information Requesting Mechanism? What Is That? Why Do We Need To Know?


      Information requesting mechanism is basically fancy term for how we ask questions, more specifically the question of why. We all have questions that make us wonder. Things we want the answers too and sometimes will never know until the day we come face to face with God. As many questions as us adults have and wish we had more time to pomder, young children have even more things to question and figure out.
     At anytime around age three you may have notice the beginning signs of the questions that have been giving your child a hard time to understand. Questions that to us adults seem so simple that answering an endless stream of these quesions seems exhausting. Sometimes you wonder if the child is asking why repeatedly as a way to get on your nerves, but in all honestly it really is them wanting to know more about life.
     As a daycare teacher I am pretty sure I was asked why by my students atleast fifty times a day. There were moments when I would get rrustrated, but those were mostly because I was not able to give them an answer. I would have to wait until I was off of work to research answers to some of their questions. Sometimes I was interrupted by something more important going on with a different student so I was not able to answer and would accidentally forget to go back and respond to the student that asked the question.
     Children who ask questions are showing you a leap in their cognitive development. They have figured out not only the words they need to express what they are interested in learning about, but that also they can on their own search for someone to help them know the information they are seeking. Having a trusted adult they know will have the patience to help them with their questions helps them feel comfident aswell as safe and independent and most importantly loved and feel important. One of the best things we can do for our little ones is answer as much as possible their questions.

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