Friday, May 3, 2019

How Does A Garden Grow?


    It is springtime, and also the best time of year for us to add some new flowers around the outside of our home. With this going on I believe there is no better time than now to introduce the concept of gardening. Gardening is a great sensory activity, but also a great life science experiment for pre-k children. Having them join in and take some ownership in this family activity will help them emotionally, cognitively, and physically as well.
     Growing up my parents made sure we had a vegitable garden of some sort every year. Also we helped plant flowers in the flower bed. My parents knew the importance of the experience of growing some of our own food. It was always fun to go out to the nursury to pick out our plants for the year. Watching my mom and dad take care of them with us helping only every so often. Us kids had more fun harvesting the food to be honest.  There is no sweeter a tomato that a fresh one handpicked from a garden.
     This is the first year we are hoping to get some veggies and flowers planted. Unlike my parents, I do not have a green thumb, so this is very experinental. I tend to somehow accidentally kill any plant given to me. Maybe I just gotta start it out from the beginning to see some plants thrive. Honestly,I have no clue. I do hope my little guy has fun watching what he helps plant grow.
      This week I chose to live in the monent with my kid. I had to get my hands dirty so i did not bother with photos. Some of my Dd activities were also used in my other Dd labeled activity, so if you are curious to see some photos you can click on the Dd activities label.
     Along with a gardening theme this week we focused on practicing tracing the letter Dd and color pink.

Monday:Practice Tracing Uppercase D/What A Garden Needs to Know
Books: My D Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure
The Giant Vegitable Garden by Nadine Bernard Westcott

Day-O by Raffi
Mr. Sun by Raffi

Practice tracing uppercase D. Review Dd vocabulary

Play in the  with flashlights

Play with duplos

Intro the concept gardening... play with waterbeads.

Tuesday:Intro Pink/Prep Garden Area
Books: The Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith
Piggy Pie Po by Audrey and Don Wood

Six Little Ducks by Raffi
The Green Grass Grows All Around

Review Dd vocabulary words.
Dd phonics activity

Free drawing time

Play doctor with stuffed animals

Intro pink. Make a pink paint collage

Prep garden area and go shopping to pick out some seeds to plant together.

Park Day

Wednesday: Practice Tracing Lowercase d/Plant Garden Seeds
Books: Dumbo by Walt Disney
We Planted A Tree by Diane Mukdrow

If I Had A Dinosaur by Raffi
In My Garden by Raffi

Practice tracing lowercase d. Review Dd vocab words

Play with dinosaurs

Work on dinosaurs puzzle

Play in pink colored water

Plant our flower garden seeds together

Thursday: Matching/Sorting Day/Garden Chores
Books: The Ugly Duckling by Polana Lovsin
Grandma's Garden by Elaine Moore

Water Dance
The Changing Garden of Mr. Bell by Raffi

Review Dd vocab words

Work on our "which picture is different?" Activity

Have fun getting dirty with left over potting soil

Dress up fun with play costumes

Sort out pink pom poms

Practice watering the flower seeds while introducing other gardenibg chores.

Friday: Dd Tracing Review/Ways Plants Change As They Grow
Books:David and Goliath  by The Clever Factory
The Enormous Carrot by Vladimir Vagin

Hey Diddle Diddle
Everything Grows by Raffi

Dd vocab words review. Practice tracing uppercase and lowercase Dd.

Play with drums

Dab paint with watercolors

Pink playdough day

Work with egg carton garden activity. Take cardboard egg cartons and poke holes in the bottom off each egg section. Make little veggies out of pipe cleaners. Have the little veggies fit in and out of the holes in the egg carton.

Zoo Day

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