Saturday, May 18, 2019

Some Weeks Off to Get Back On: Part One

     After nine long weeks of focused lesson planning I figure both my kid and I were ready for a lengthier break. The days are longer and warmer, the best time to be kid as far as lesson planning goes and allowing some free-play to reign. The first half of this week was filled with fun educational adventures away from home, and ended with pajama and tv days thanks to a nasty stomach bug.

     Monday was a fun day spent at The Indianapolis Children's Museum. Early rising, a lengthier drive, no quiet rest time, and late bed time was all worth it for this field trip. If you have never been to this museum, but find yourself in Indy looking for something to do with kids you canmot go wrong with this place. One of the yop five largest children's science and history museums in the world is something not to miss out on. Five levels of kids appropriate hands-on adventures. Fun for the whole family.

     Tuesday was a nice day for me as it was my birthday. We explored outside our neighborhood and had a fun birthday dinner out after watching my kid receive a hair cut. Getting a hair cut for young kids is an adventure for sure.

     Wednesday was park day. We spent all morning at the park and it was fun watchimg my child maneuver new playground obstacles he was not so sure about even just a month ago.

     Thursday was going to be our zoo adventure day, only about an hour after waking up my child got sick to his stomach... zoo adventure day has been put on hold while all of us wait and see if we catch the bug or if we will be lucky and not come down with it too. Lots of snuggling was had as my kid felt awful all morning. Thankfully by bedtime he was holding thimgs down.

     Friday was going to be a fun family week-end with uncles, aunts, and cousins, but due to the stomach flu we had to cancel to avoid spreading it around.

     It is nice to have lesson plans, but equally as nice to leave all learning up in the air through active play. Kids are kids for so long, and Summer time is almost here.

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