Friday, May 24, 2019

Some Weeks Off to Get Back On: Week 2

     Hello beautiful readers. I hope yall have gotten to enjoy a beautiful sunny week. Our's has been fun for my kid, but filled with mixed emotions for myself. Couple different things going on here this past week, but still educational.

     We started our week off with a bang as a zoo day. With my kiddo being sick last Thursday he missed his with the fun fun fun fun fun, and kefest are pt asking for the zoo all week-end. I wanted to wait until we were sure the stomach bug was not gonna pass on to hubby and I before going anywhere really public. Thanjfully we did not catch whatever it was that got my kiddo sick. I love zoo days! Blessedly we live close enough to one it makes more sense to get the zoo pass, and I try and utilize it well since it is a bigger cost. It has helped foster a curiousity for life sciences ib my child at an early age. He has his favorite animals, but some are different each time. Depends on which ones are the most active during our visit. Lately giraffes, penguins, orangatans, and gorillas tend to be at the top of his list.

     Tuesday was park day. It turned out to be an emotional park visit for this momma.
I witnessed a family (I learned from the seven year old girl) that their family has DCS apparently several times a week come to her house and her baby brother was taken away from them and today was their visitation...  I did not ask for any of that info, she just casually shared it with me...from the looks of her and her siblings and how non attentive the three adults were who were with them I can see why. They were all in thin tank tops, shorts, or over grown t-shirts... no shoes on any of them except the girl who told me this info. In hot weather or at home that is not usually a flag raiser for me, but in 55 degree weather??? She was in a leg brace. She had these red spots on her legs which I only noticed because she asked me what I thought they were. I answered that they looked like old mosquito or spider bites to me. She said no, I only get them in the bath tub... on the inside I shuttered because i immediately jumped to some scarey stuff. Googled healed cigarette burns when i got home and what I saw looked exactly like the marks on this girls leg, later on a friend of mine said hopefully it was bed bug bites that get aggrivated in the tub. I really hope that is what they were honestly. The cigarette burn though sickens/angers me....The adults were no where near the littlest one who kept asking if i could push him because he was watching me push my kid. He had on the fewest clothes of the group. After the fifth time I said ok because the adults kept ignoring him or snapping at him for bugging them. They did not seem to care that a stranger was pushing their young one. At one point during the hour I was there the father figure came out to see something with the older boys. Looked and saw me pushing his kid in the swing then moved on. No words were exchanged at all. It was as though he could not care less.  I would have been freaking out, and going over to assess the situation if it were my child.... I felt awkward enough pushing the little guy cause I did not know the parents. Then how they reacted to the 9 yr old boy who got sick all over some playground equipment was like whatever. No giving comfort, no saying ok time to go. My kid and I were out of there, but watching it all just hurt my heart. I prayed my rosary for them. I hope I do not get whatever that bug is for helping push what appeared to me to be a neglected three year old. Being a daycare/pre-k teacher child neglect/abuse has always been close to my heart, but even moreso now that I am a momma. I am sharing this because I know nothing more than I witnessed so there is obviously more to this family's story. Maybe yall could say some prayers with me for this little family? I am not sure what more to do since DCS is already involved. This just broke my heart.

     Wednesday was a fun chill at home day. We rode in the wagon around our neighborhood. We practiced putting together my child's abc floor puzzle together. We ran, we read books, we colored, cooked, and enjoyed home.

    Thursday out of nowhere my boy woke up with a bery noticeable limp. After observing him still struggle with it for a couple of hours I made an appointment with his ped. After checking my child out my ped believes he is dealing with growing pains since he is not upset while putting weight on it. The thing is he still has this limo this morning. Not worse, but not better. My ped said if he is worse to come back today but I think if it keeps like this over the week-end I will bring him back in Monday. Because of the limp we have been doing things but in slow motion.

      Today has been a fun time running errands and grocery shopping. We have my in-laws visiting tomorrow. Lots of cousins equals lots of playmates for my kiddo which hopefully may see how this limp will affect his time with them. Hopefully tomorrow he will have it less than today. Waiting and seeing is not so easy as a momma.

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