Friday, September 28, 2018

Everything Will FALL Into Place When You Put God First

     This week is, as far as teaching goes, is probably one of my top five favorite themes to play with. This has surprised even myself because those that know me know I really cannot stand Fall and Winter. I am very much a Summer fan. I live for long hot days and warm nights. Fall symbolizes the end of my favorite season. So loving the fall theme seems odd, but it is filled with so many fun ideas. That and the beginning of football season, and the best time of the year to binge watch Gilmore Girls (not that those are relevant to teaching but still remain true). Tie in the fact that for me this time around it is the same week as the letter "Gg" and I have had the most fun with the activities. There are so many ways of going about what to plan. I am sure there are activities you all have thought up that did not cross my mind. Along with Fall and the letter "Gg" we learned about the number 2. I have been an excited momma so it may be a good thing I cannot drink coffee (I know I know, I am weird, but I am ok with that fact).

Monday- What Happens In Nature During the Fall/Intro to Uppercase "G"
Books: My "g" Soundbox by Jane Belk Moncure
A Book of Seasons by Alice and Martin Provenson
My First Dictionary "Gg" words only

Songs: Goosey Goosey Gander (Mother goose)
Autumn Poem
Autumn winds begin to blow
Colored leaves fall fast and slow
Twirling, whirling all around
Till at last they touch the ground

Intro letter "Gg"
Uppercase "G" coloring page
"Gg" vocab words
Fall tree door decor activity- I used clear comtact paper and fake leaves. I drew a tree trunk on the unsticky part of the contact paper. Tape the contact paper to the door sticky side facing you. Then decorate thectree together by sticking the fake leaves onto the sticky side of the contact paper. I ended up also having to use double sided tape for some of the leaves.
Fall tree painting activity- take a piece of paper and use the paint bottles, not a paint brush for this activity. Drip out a line for the tree trunk towards the bottom of the paper. After that help guide your child to drip out in globs different fall colors for leaves above the tree trunk. Use clear plastice wrap the same size of the paper you used. Carefully place it on top of the globs of paint, then let your child push down on top so the paint runs together and spreads around to make a fall tree.
Pretend fall tree play-use the left over fake leaves and pretend you are fall trees by tossing them up in the air and watching them fall together.. or play leaf fight with the leftover fake leaves.
Introduce what the seasons are then zone in on fall. What happens in fall with nature...days get shorter, it gets colder, plants begin to let go of their flowers and food gets harvested and tree leaves change colors and fall off...

Tuesday: Fall Activities/Intro Number 2
Books: Grandpa Gazillions Number Yard by Laurie Kellar
A Year For All Seasons by Monica Stevenson
The story of Noah's Ark from his Bible... the animals went 2 by 2
My First Dictionary the "Gg" words only

Songs: These Are Grandma's/Grandpa's Glasses
Five Little Pumpkins poem
5 little pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said oh my it's getting late
The second one said there are witches in the air
The third one said but we don't care
Thr fourth one said let's run and run and run
The fifth one said I'm ready for some fun
Then whoosh went the wind
And out went the lights
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Intro number 2
2 coloring page
Review "Gg" words
Garbage toss game and play garbage man (garbage day for our neighborhood). Use up some crumpled up paper and a can and toss the garbage into the can...use dunp truck to collect the garbage and take it to the dump.
Red Light Green Light- practice stopping and going. Run around together and randomly yell out red light and make sure you both stop together. Green light when you are ready to go again. After a little bit let your kids take control of when to stop abd go.
Talk about the different fall activities and holidays that happen. Refresh about nature with Fall.
Gummy bear sorting- put one of each different colored gummy bear in a seperate container. Help your child figure out where the matching ones go. Count together the 2 gummy bears in each color.

Wednesday: Fall Safety/Intro Lowercase "g"
Books: Goldilocks and the Three Bears by David Crossley
My Love For You All Year Long by Susan L. Roth
My First Dictionary "Gg" words only 

Songs: Corner Grocery Store by Raffi
Autumn Time Is Coming
(Tune of Frere Jaques)
Red leaves falling
Red leaves falling
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn time is coming
Autumn time is coming
All around
All around

Orange leaves falling
Orange leaves falling
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn time is coming
Autumn time is coming
All around
All around

Brown leaves scattered
Brown leaves scattered
On the ground
On the ground
Autumn time is now here
Autumn time is now here
All around
All around

Intro lower case "g" and review vocab words
Lower case "g" coloring page
Gold glitter glue goo- take 2 5 oz bottles of clear elmer's glue...mix it with a bigger sized jar of the super tiny gold glitter
Play gas station attendant with trikes and hose. If warm use the water as gas. If too cold just pretend.
Play pretend Guardian Angels to the recmscue 
Practice with a doll house how to lock/unlock doors with keys 
Talk about ways to stay safe suring the fall...with spiders being out more it is important to start talking about how to watvh out for them....

Thursday: Fall Clothes/Line Tracing and Scissor practicing Day
Books: Where's God by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Turn Turn Turn by Pete Seger
My First Dictionary "Gg" words only
The story of David and Goliath from his Bible

Songs: Scarecrow Scarecrow
Scarecrow scarecrow turn around
Scarecrow scarecrow touch the ground
Scarecrow scarecrow reach up high
Scarecrow scarecrow touch the sky
Scarecrow scarecrow bend down low
Scarecrow scarecrow touch your toes
God Is Bigger Than the Boogie Man by veggie tales
The Gloria from Mass  ( those of my readers who are Catholic know this so I will not type out the words, but those who are not and are curious you are welcome to google it. It is about the Holy Trinity...God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.)

Activities: Review "Gg" vocabulary
Talk about why God is important 
Play David and Goliath with the crumpled paper from the garbage toss game. Take turns being David and Goliath
Practice tracing work sheet
Practice scissor skills
Make hair gel packets for sensory play. Squeeze hair gel and food coloring into ziplock bags. I chose fall colors for ours. Then put the bags over white paper and then trace shapes/letters/numbers/designs in the gel packets. Save for future use.
Play with corn kernals
Guitar fun
Talk about the different clothing that is worn in fall time
Zoo day-look for animals with "Gg" like giraffes or gila lizard...

Friday: Fall Animal Activities/"Gg" Vocab Review
Books:Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors by Normam Bridwell
Animals In Fall by Martha E. H. Rustad
My First Dictionary "Gg" words

Songs: Octopus Garden by Raffi
Little Acorns
Five little acorns sitting in a tree
Along came Mr. Squirrel as hungry as could be
Then the fall winds blew and rustled all the leaves
Down came all the acorns and Mr. Squirrel was pleased

Review "Gg" vocab words
Color "Gg" vocab worksheet
Play pretend ghosts
Glitter art- bring out glue sticks/glue and let the child make designs on paper with it then show him/her how to sprinkle on glitter to make his design glittery. I suggest using lots of newspapers for a faster and easy as possible clean up...
Sunflower seed tactile play
Talk about animal activity in the fall
Go outside and play pretend squirrels harvesting acorns...use balls or something else like that as the acorns. If rainy hide them around the house for the chils to find.
Play hibernation... use music for spring/summer. When it stops the child has to find a place to hibernate for winter...
Park day if nice outside.
Giraffe/zoo animal puzzle play
(My kid with his "acorns" he gathered up)

     As you can see there really is a lot of possible activities you can do for a fall theme as well as the letter "Gg." I know there is more activities I have not thought of. What ideas can you add to this theme that you did not see in this post? Share them with me, please!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this video today and am posting it here for whoever may also find it interesting for a fall activity... hoping it will work.


Sorry For My Absence