Friday, September 21, 2018

Sensing the Beauty of the World God Created

     This week I decided to focus on the importance of our five senses. With hindsight I realize now that I should have done this theme along with my first two themese in the beginning, "How God Made Me Special" and "Using My Body to Glorify agod." I have made note of that for my pwn future reference. Also, this post will not have many photos as I have been dealing with back pain this week as well as watchimg some of my nephews and niece and did not want to put their photos up here without their parent's permission, which I always forgot to ask when I was talking with them.
     The five senses is such a fun theme for this age group. A lot of sensory activities are used here. Mostly not many really messy ones, but still fun.
      God gave us five senses and helping kids learn to use them to help and be grateful for what God created for us is very important.
     Along with the five senses we learned about the letter "Ff" and the number "1."

Monday- Sense of Smell ("We are to God the fragrance of Christ." 2 Corinthians 2:15)/Intro Uppercase "F"
Books: My F Soundbox by Jane Belk Moncure
The Nose Book by Al Perkins
My First Dictionary, the Ff words only

Songs: "Five Green and Speckled Frogs" by Raffi
Sing A Song of Senses tune of The Farmer In the Dell
 (this will be used throughout the week so I will type it out here, but you can look back to see what verse you want to use. So for today we just sang the verse on smelling).

Activities: Intro the letter "Ff" and go over vocab words in my first dictionary.  Use "Ff" coloring sheet.
Play follow the leader outside. We took turns being thd leader.
Introduce the five senses. Explain how when God created living things He created us with five senses. They are for us to use to learn more about the world God created us for and to use for good things. They are there also for us to avoid danger when possible.
Set up Mr. Potato head. Each day I had ny child help add onto him with each new scent being talked about. 
Intro sense of smell. Explain the importance of our sense of smell.
Find different morenaturalistic scents around the house, we used cinnamon, garlic powder, ginger, spearmint, lavendar, vanilla, and vinegar. We took turns smelling these scents. My son's two favorites were the garlic powder and cinnamon.

Tuesday: Sense of Touch (Jesus touched him and said be clean. Matthew 8:3)/Intro Number 1
Books:The Balancing Act by Merle Peek
Goodnight Curious George by Margaret and H. A. Ray
My first dictionary "Ff" words only

Songs: Where Is Thumbkin?
The verse on touch from Monday

Activities: Review "Ff" words
Intro number 1/one coloring page
Play Mr. Fix It with tool set
Intro sense of touch and how inportant and special it is.
Play with play-dough
Finger paint
Play with dry beans
Find different textures throughout the house for my kid to explore with.
Add hands to Mr. Potato head
Mother Goose On the Loose day

Wednesday: Sense of Sight ("I was blind, but now I can see." John 9:25)/ Intro Lower-case "f"
Books:All Around I See by Laya Steinburg
Sam the Firefly by P. D. Eastman
My First Dictionary

Songs: Frog Went A-Courting
Five sense song from Monday, the verse on sight

Activities; Review "Ff" words
Intro lower-case "f" and "f" coloring page
Play with flashlight
Use binoculars for sight seeing walk
Intro importance of our eyesight and ways to take care of our eyes
Play "I-Spy"
Park day

Thursday: Sense of Hearing ("He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Matthew 11:15)/Tracing and Scissor cutting skills day

Books:Dig, Wait, Listen by April Pully Sayre
Fox In Socks by Dr. Seuss
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox
My First Dictionary

Songs:What Does The Fox Say?
Five senses song from Monday. The verse on hearing.

Activities: Review "Ff" words
Tracing activity
Scissor skills practice
Play firefighters with firetruck and people
Intro sense of hearing. Use youtube sound/noise for pre-k videos for kids to figure out from listening.

Friday: Sense of Taste (Taste and see the goodness of The Lord." Psalm 36:8)/"Ff" Vocab Review Day

Books:Yum! A Tale of Two Cookies by Jane Seymour and James Keach
Alice the Fairy by David Shannon
My First Dictionary ("Ff" words only)

Songs: Old Macdonald
The Senses song from Monday (the verse on taste)

Activities: Review 'Ff" words and do the vocab coloring activity
Play with farm play set
Zoo day
Intro sense of taste. I had Anthony try a food from each of the taste groups. Salty-chips, sweet-reese cups, bitter-lemon, sour-sour patch kids. My husband went and picked those things out as my hands had been full from other things this week.
Oh and finished our my potato head.

These are just a few ways I thought of to help my kid learn about his senses. What other activities can you think of for your little ones?

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