Monday, September 17, 2018

Intro to Piaget's Constructivism Theory


     Piaget is one of the big dogs of learning theorists. He is known for many different things, but one of the biggest is his theory of constructivism. This particular theory of his focuses on the fact the children learn best through hands on activities and experiences. Children learn best through involving their senses and through physically being able to work out a new concept. The more hands on approach an instructor gives children than the more freedom thet have to experiment with the new concept they are figuring. The more hands on the quicker a child will be able to come to understand how things work.
     With this hand on approach comes the fact that piaget believed it best to instead of instructing children on new concepts, the teachers should essentially become more like facilitators. Teachers should be there to give the children what they are needing or asking for to help learn concepts and to encourage them on their newest adventure. Teachers should be able to let the child lead instead of leading the child.
     Some people love piaget's approach to learning, and others find it too far off for them. I, personally, find this take on education more realistic in a very small group setting. In a regular pre-school set-up it can be very difficult to follow each child's interests. I still find it important to try and do so as much as possible, but it can be tricky unless your daycare/pre school is specifically set-up for it. Here at home I still find it helpful to do both. I follow my son's lead probably 75% of the time, but I still think that it is also very important to do some teaching/student work.
     How do you feel about more of a hands-on learning style?

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