Monday, September 24, 2018

Intro to Urie Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory


      This next theory I thought about sharing with you all today is the ecological theory. This theory is not so much about teaching per say, but how the people that are nearest to a child affect how the child develops. There is a trickle down affect on the child as you will see. There are four groups in this theory. The microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and the macrosystem.

     The microsystem consists of the child's main caregivers and family unit. These people should be the biggest fans and advocators for the child. If the family unit is living, caring, and focused on the child's well being than that will be carried with that child's memory forever building up the child's self confidence whereas if the child is neglected than he/she will hold onto that as well with a feeling of unimportance.

     The mesosystem is the people that the child comes into contact with on a regular basis. Teachers, friends, extended family members, church family, etc.. this group plays an important role. The more the carefivers place an importance on these things than the child will more than likely follow suit. These people will also leave imprints on a child's life. The more that parents take an interestin the child's mesosytem the safer the child will feel to explore this part of the environment.

     The ecosystem is the group of people that will affect the child, but who they may never physically meet. The main caretaker's place of employment for example. Anything positive or negative there will have a great affect on the child. Those civil workers in their hometown will also have an affect on the child, but the child will have little or no contact at all.
      The macrosystem is about the child's culture, country's government and laws. The really big picture.
     These each have an affect on the child. A visual I like to think about is the zoom in/zoom out function on google maps. The more you zoom out of the child's life the more you can see how we are all connected in a way in this systems theory.

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