Monday, September 10, 2018

Introduction to B. F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Behavioral Theory

   Another learning/behavioral theory I have found most helpful with keeping toddlers focused on a task is B. F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning theory. This may sound confusing or tricky, but to put it more simply it is a reward/punishment theory. I bet you all probably already have used this theory in your home without even realizing it had anyother name than simply put, discipline.
     When it comes to learning though I tend to get great results with offering lots of rewards for my child. His rewards tend to do with either shapes (if you show me how to color on your paper than I will draw a whatever shape you want on mine), or climbing on things (after we finish this book we will go outside and play on the steps), or even allowing him to sit on his trike if he pays attention to our vocab work (which is what worked for us this morning).
(My kid holding up the shapes he wanted me to draw for him after each time he showed me his painting skills)

     At this age I do not put emphasis on "punishment" for losing focus on work. Honestly five minutes of sitting still for early pre-k is tough. I mean he gets punishments for when he actually does something wrong and unkind, but not over being uninterested in building blocks or a similar activity. When his interest starts to wan that is when it is time to clean up that activity before moving on to a new one. I find the more negative reactions for him where learning is concearned takes his excitement away from learning
     My advice is use what your child loves as a positive reinforcer for when you are trying to get him/her working on something that is not so fun/interesting to them. You do this hard thing for me and then we can do ______. Lots of positive reinforcemnt can go a long way for most children. Each child is different so if this way is not helpful for your child no worries. There are so many more learning theories out there. It is about trial and error to figure which ones are right for your child.

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