Friday, October 26, 2018

Experimenting With Science Is Fun


     This week has been a crazy week in our home. Our washing machine hose got a hole in during the middle of the night which meant lots of cleaning and pulling out caroet in the laundry room. This also meant a more topsy turvy home as far as mess goes. I guess it made a perfect week for a more messy type of theme. Science week to be more specific. To be even more specific it was more like science experiment week. Scince experiments can be as messy or hardly messy at all depending on what type of experiments you wish to explore with your kid.
     Another big event happening for our family is that our son turned three! Yes, hus birthday was this past week. My momma heart is filled with lots of emotions about another birthday coming and going for my sweet and fun kid.
     Along with science being a focus this week we also learned more about the letter "Jj" and the number 5.

Monday: Magnet fun/Intro Uppercase "J"
Books:My "j" Soundbox by Jane Belk Moncure
Magnetism by Mari Shuh
My First Dictionary "Jj" words only
Children's Bible

Songs: Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Loves the Little Children
The Catholic Mass Parts-Gloria...the Glory to God,Glory to God, Glory to God in the highestm And on earth peace on earth. Peace to people of goodwill version. For those of you who happen to not be Catholic, the Gloria is a song/prayer that celebrates and hobors the Holy Trinity. You are welcome to google tge lyrics if you are curious what it says.

The Magnet Song (Tune of I'm A Little Teapot)
I'm a little magnet
Can't you see
Anything metal
Comes right to me
If it is not metal
You will see
It will not stick to me

Intro uppercase "J" and go over "Jj" words in the picture dictionary

Work on "J" coloring page

Explain how Jesus' name starts with J. Explain why Jesus should always be special to us. Read a Jesus Binle story from my son's Bible

Work on jigsaw puzzles

Intro magnetism. Read the book. Use a kitchen magnet to help your child explore household objects to find out what will stick to the magnet. Cut up pipe cleaners and then let the child have fun watching them stick to the pipecleaners. My child on his own decided to have fun watching the pipecleaners fall through his straw which helped him experiment with gravity.

Work together to make jello for activity on Tuesday.

Tuesday: Explore Vibrations/Intro Number 5
Books: Jazz Dancing by Mark Thomas
2 Is For Dancing by Woodleigh Hubbard
Vibrations by Lola M. Schaefer
Children's Bible
My First Dictionary

Songs: Peanut Butter and Jelly by Raffi
Jig Along Home by Raffi
Five Little Ducks by Raffi

Review "Jj" vocab words in picture dictionary

Intro number 5 and work on the number 5 coloring page

Jelly bean counting activity- cut out different colored jars with five matching colored jelly beans. Work together taking turns to seperate the jelly beans in the corrosponding jars (you can do sizes instead of colors too if that is what you prefer). After they are all seperated count the jelly beans in each jar together.

Use jello to help put a visual of vibrations. Also use jungle animal cookie cutters for fun. Also let my child explore the fun texture of jello through sensory play.

Explore vibrations through playing with music instruments.

Dance party fun

Wednesday: Sink vs. Float/Intro Lowercase "j"
Books: Jonah's Trash God's Treasure by Joel Anderson
Jesus Bible story from Children's Bible
My First Dictionary

Songs: Leaving On  Jet Plane by John
Singing Scientists (Tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
Will it sink or will it float
Like a rock or like a boat
Clever scientists, we are wise
Think and then hypothosize
Sink or float which will it be
Experiment and we will see

Review "Jj" words in picture dictionary and intro lowercase "j" and work on coloring page.

Play with jet airplane

Experiment together to find out what household objects or toys sink or swim and talk a little about why that happens.

Thursday: Gak fun/Tracing Lines/Scissor skills
Books:When You Look At The Moon by Allan Fowler
Jackrabbits by Emily Rose Townsend
Story of Joseph and the coat of many colors in children' Bible
Jesus story from Children' Bible
My First Dictionary

Songs: Five Monkies Jumping On the Bed
Jiggidy Jill by Raffi


Review "Jj" words in picture dictionary

Jumping activity: write numbers 1-5, one number each on a separate piece of paper. Have the child jump like a jackrabbit over the pieces of paper

Practice tracing lines and working with scissors

Make gak together and then have fun playinh with it. There are lots of different gak recipes out there when you google it.

Zoo day

Friday: "Jj" Vocab Review Day
Books:The Lemon Drop Jar by Christine Widman
Energy From the Sun by Allan Fowler
Jesus story from a children's Bible
My First Dictionary

Songs: Oh Mr. Sun by Raffi
Jack and Jill

Review "Jj" picture vocabulary words and color the vocabulary coloring page.

Jar painting: use a glass jar and dip the top into paint and than make circles with the jar on paper.

Water color dancing project: fill three jars with water and a different food coloring in each jar. Use a paper towels and dip each end into the jars and watch the paper towels soak the colored water up to make dancing colors.

These are juse a handful of ways to make science fun for 2 1/2- 3 1/2 year olds. Do you have any more suggestions for science ptojects to share or ways to help learning the letter "Jj" or number five more fun? Please let me know in a comment.

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