Monday, October 8, 2018

Intro to Erik Erikson's Psychsocial Development Theory



     Eric Ericson is one of the bigger education/behavioral theorists we needed to learn about while working on our early childhood degrees. He is also one of the ones that we loved to hate if only because of one huge paper we had to write about un an introspective way about how we perceived our life was during each of the eight stages of erikson's theory. Remembering under the age of two is basically impossible, yet we had to figure out enough to fill several pages of that first stage. If we messed up that particular paper grade basically we knew we screwed up our grade for the class enough to fail.

     Erikson believed every person goes through eight stages of life. In each stage there is a conflict and depending on our resolution of that conflict would affect us in the next phase for worse or for better.

Because of not having as much time to personally break these down for you, I decided to share this graph that I hope explains the eight phases to you.

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