Monday, October 15, 2018

Intro to Jean Paiget's Stages of Cognitive Development Theory


     Last week I chose to break down Erikson's stages of development. This week I decided to talk a little about Jean Piaget's stages of development. There are four different development stages, and in each stage there are things the child goes through to move on to the next stage.

     Before explaining the stages I think it is importan to explain the term "schema" as it is a huge part of his theory.  Paiget believed that children collect data which is then turned into "schemas." A schema is the word he chose to use for objects the child first comes into contact with to learn about the world around him. A schema is then built on as more of the objects come into contact with the child for the child to build-up his/her own mental database. The schemas are then always changing as more information is learned.

     There are four phases a person goes through to understand each new schema. This photo may help explain this concept better than I may be able to.

  Now that I covered schemas I will now post the four stages of cognitive development Paiget believes we all go through.

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