Monday, November 26, 2018

Teaching Numbers


   Oh what a Monday. It is always a little rough getting back into a routine after a holiday week-end. It seemed more difficult for me this time around than for my kid. It was a fun filled month for us filled with lots of special family memories. Nothing like caffeine to help get through this Monday.
     Today I thought I would delve more into depth on the importance of numbers and math. Introducing numbers is so important for this age group. It is building the foundation they need to learn more difficult math concepts later on. For three year olds I think it is most important to focus on three different areas of math: counting, number recognition, and quantification.

      Counting is important as it helps children learn order. Give plenty of chances throughout the day for your child to count with you. Usually as children get closer to age four they are capable of counting to thirty with little help as long as they hear counting happening in some way everyday. We always start out morning off with our calendar routine, and then throughout each activity we find ways to incorporate counting. If we take turns saying the numbers it makes my child more excited to count instead of overwhelmed and frustrated.
     Number recognition is basically when the learn to recognize the symbol that represents that number. That the number nine is also 9. This is why my sonnand I are working on a new number each week. Counting is an easier concept for kids at three to understand,  but learning the symbols for the number is trickier. I would expect by age for that children should be able to recognize numbers up to 20 fairly easily if worked on throughout the year every day.
      Lastly is quantification, or as some say subsitizing. This is when the child realizes that groups of objects are matched to the number symbol in their group.... dots on a dice, objects seperated into groups then matching the groups to the correct number symbol. This teaches organization in a more hands on way. If you look at my past lesson plans you will see many activities my son and I work together doing. This is truckier than the two above. Usually kids will still need a little bit of help keeping on task, but by age 4 they will need less hands on help.

     As kids get into later pre school age simple adding and subtracting can be added into the mix, but for now that is just a plus if you see your kid getting into that mindset. Math can be a fun way to pass time by for you and your little one, OR it can be the hair pulling moment of the day. Trust me, for us it is often rougher than full on fun depending on the activity. Just keep at it though because the more we can help them eventually want to learn counting and math on their own the more glad we will be we pushed through. They will be proud of themselves and the watching that lightbulb moment of when they get it, well, it is pure magic to be able to share.

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