Friday, November 16, 2018

Dinosaurs! Dinosaurs! Dinosaurs!

     This week is one of my personal favorite topics. Dinosaurs. I have always beenfascinated with dinosaurs. Personally my favorite is the apatasaraus, but hey, each dinosaur was cool.
     Also this week we had my parents come visit us feom out of state. I did not really focus on taking photos of our activities as much as ones with my kid and his mimi and papaw so this week there are just not as many.
     As a Catholic honestly as long as you make sure to believe that the world was created by God than honestly there is no written doctrine stating we should believe in the big bang or if young world creationism is correct. It all happened by God's power whichever way you choose to believe.
     Along with dinosaurs we learned about the letter "Ll" and number seven.

Monday: Intro Uppercase "L"/Intro Dinosaurs
Books:My "l" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure
How To Raise A Dinosaur by Natasha Wing
My First Dictionary

Songs: This Little Light of Mine
Oh How I Love To Be A Dinosaur (Tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic)

Oh how I love to romp and stomp and chomp throughout the land
Oh how I love to romp and stomp and chomp throughout the land
Oh how I love to romp and stomp and chomp throughout the land.
Oh it's great to be a dinosaur.
Oh how I love to be a dinosaur
Oh how I love to be a dinosaur
Oh how I love to be a dinosaur
I love to romp and stomp and chomp throughout the land

Intro Uppercase "L." Intro "Ll" vocab picture words in dictionary. Color uppercase L coloring page

Play Red Light Green Light

Intro Dinosaurs. Talk about how they lived a long time ago. How big they were. How they had rough scaley skin and were cold blooded and what that means...

Work on dinosaur puzzle

Tuesday: Intro Number Seven/Herbavores
Books: Seven Loaves of Bread by Ferida Wolff
Dino Swimming by Lisa Wheelet
My First Dictionary

Songs: Jesus Loves Me This I Know
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Do You Know the...(Tune of Do You Know the Dinosaur)
Do you know the stegasaurus, the stegasaurus, the stegasaurus? Oh do you know stegasaurus? He had plates on his back.
Do you know the apatasaurus...He had a really long neck
Do you know the triceratops...he had three big horns

 Review "Ll" picture vocab words

Smelled and tasted fresh lemons and limes

Intro Number seven/seven coloring page

Intro Herbavore Dinosaurs

Dino egg hunt: took 3 different colored plastic easter eggs, 7 of each color, and placed them around the living room. Used coordinating pieces of construction paper to use as the dino nests. Helped child find and the eggs and figure out which eggs go in which nest. Counted the eggs together after all are found and sorted.

Wednesday: Intro Lowercase "l"/ Carnivores
Books: Young Lions by Toshi Yoshida
Dino Wrestling by Lisa Wheeler
My First Dictionary

Songs: Let's Make Some Noise (be loud) by Raffi
Tune of The Wheels On the Bus
Oh the t-rex had really sharp teeth, really sharp teeth, really sharp teeth. Oh the t-rex had really sharp teeth and ruled the dino land
Oh the raptor had really sharp claws, really sharp claws, really sharp claws. Oh the rapter had really sharp claws and ruled the dino land.
Oh the pteradactyl had a really sharp beak, a really sharp beak, a really sharp beak. Oh the pteradactyl had a really sharp beak and ruled throughout the land.

Review "Ll" picture vocab words. Intro lowercase "l" and do coloring page.

Ladybug apple print painting fun: cut apple in half. Dip it into paint and press on paper for ladybug body shape. Add black dots....

Work on plain animal puzzle because of the lion piece.

Intro carnivores.

Trace matching dino footprints of my kids toy dinosaurs to show one way carnivores would hunt their prey. If you have a copier you can make several copies and then hide the matching toy dinosaurs. Have the child follow the footprints to find what dinosaur they belong too.

Use toy dinosaurs and use them to make their footprints in playdough.

Thursday: Practice Line Tracing/Practice Scissor Skills/ Dino Facts Review
Books: The Lord's Prayer by Richard Jesse Watson
Dino Soccer by Lisa Wheeler
My First Dictionary

Songs: Our Father by Michael W. Smith
Our Father Song by Matt Maher
Tune of Five Little Ducks
One dinosaur went out to play
On a bright and sunny day
He had such enormous fun
That he called for another dinosaur to come
(Call out) Dinosaur
(Pat hands on floor) Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!
Repeat until you reach 7
7 little dinosaurs went out to play
On a bright and sunny day
When they heard mommy dinosar yell it's time to eat they hurried back for her tasty treat!

Review "Ll" words in picture dictionary

Intro Lord as another title for God and Jesus
Intro Our Father. Explain the story of how Jesus told us to say this prayer and that is why it is called the Lord's Prayer.

Practice tracing lines witg work sheet

Practice scissor cutting skills

Review dino facts we have learned

Seperate dino foam stickers in their matching dino families. 7 foam stickers in each family. Count the different dino family members together. I found dino foam stickers at our Hobby Lobby.

Friday: Letter "Ll" Vocab Review/Fossils
Books: The Lady With the Alligator Purse by Nadine Bernarx Westcott
Llama Llama Red Pajama by
Fossils by Claire Ewart

Songs: Mary Had A Little Lamb
Tune of Oh My Darling Clementine

Great big dinosaurs. Great big dinosaurs
Lived so long ago
Some liked land, some liked water, some liked to fly through the air.

Great big dinosaurs. Great big dinosaurs
Lived so long ago.
Some had horns, some had spikes,
Some had wings like a bat.

Great big dinosaurs. Great big dinosaurs
Lived so long ago.
Some ate plants. Some ate meat.
Now they are all extinct.

Review "Ll" vocab words from picture dictionary and do vocab color page.

Play with lego locomotive blocks

Intro fossils. Explain what they are. Use dino rawhide bone treats and dry rice and dry paint brushes and let children play archaelogist and excavate for "fossils."

Watch dino sponge kit expand in the water.

These are some ideas I came up with to have fun while learning about dinosaurs and the letter "Ll" and number seven. Do you have any added ideas to share with the other readers? Please share if you do in a comment.

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