Monday, November 5, 2018

Technology and the Early Childhood Student


     I was born an 80' baby and toddler. I grew up as a 90's kid. I spent my teenage and collage years in the new millenium. Life has changed so much since the days of getting to run around outside with the neighborhood friends until the street lights went on and it was time to go inside. The days of hours and hours of imaginative free play have begun to fade away into kids who have watched commercials to remind them to get their 60 minutes of exercise outside. It was so odd to me to see a commercial geared towards kids to make playimg outside unplugged as a fun thing to do. Growing up technology was more a rainy day activity and the computer, well i believe I was seven years old when I remember my mom and dad being able to get financed for a computer. Before the internet was a thing. The sound of the very slow dial up connection is a soumd that I do not think I could forget. Too slow to really want to mess with. Outside was where the fun was at. Technology was definitely not something pushed like it is today. I remember getting my first cell phone at ahe twenty and it was an old school flip phone. Now I see elementary school kids running around with cell phones of their own like it is how it always has been. That is not to say I am putting down the advances in technology. The fact does remain that my kid's generation is one that will never know a life without computers.

     A big part of me is happy to not have a pc computer or a i pad in our house because I want my kid to enjoy soe of the magic of a mostly tech free childhood can be, and yet I know how much it cam help to enhance his learning. There is a fine line between using technology to help enhance a kids learning and just letting the child be taught by a screen. I am very picky about when and why I use our tv for Anthony to watch. Rainy days there may be a little bit more use or week-end mornings. Normally though I try hard to limit him to an hour of rv. At three I can tell when too much has been allowed for him. It is during those times there are mors meltdowns over turning it off. The tv shows I do allow though are basically pbs kids shows, veggie tales, and other educational dvds and some of the old school disney cartoon movies. My kid knows that my phone can play music, stale pictures, and as facetime for mimi and papaw. Other than that he does not care much for it because I do not have space ro download games. That is not to say sometimes I wish I did have an i pad for educational games.. especially when waiting at the dr.s office and what not. Eventually we will get a pc in our home and our child will quickly learn the valuableness of it, but right now seeing him more excited to be outside in nature and exploring through human interaction  is so refreshing and invaluable to me. Each family is different though. What works for us mqy not be in your family's best interest. That is cool though. It is why getting to be at home helping my kid learn and grow in his way is so wonderful. Each person learns in a unique way. Technology used correctly can be so helpful.

What are your thoughts on kids and education and technology today? How do you use it to help your child's learning journey?

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