Friday, November 30, 2018

Mini Old Testament Vacation Bible School Week

     This week I decided to have some fun while learning about Old Testament Bible stories. All of our Bible stories I used this Bible:
but please use whatever Bible you would like. Also the wonderful thing about doing Old Testament stories for a theme is the fact that there are SO many stories to choose from. You may not want to use any of the five I decided to focus on with my kid. That is cool too. I am not trying to advertise this bible either. I just did not feel like repeatingthe title five different times so I just put it up here. Infact, if you have a better Bible for 3 yr olds please share with me. This one I scored at a local used book store for a dollar. According to the clerk I was the first person in that shop after it was put on display and so it was almost like it was meant for me to buy.
     Thursday was also a special day. It was the anniversary of my son's Baptismal day. To make that day feel special we ended ourday with a bundled up family walk through our neighborhood to get a closer loook at some of the houses with lights already put out. We then gave our son his favorite treat, a chocolate doughnut. Then let him play for as long as he wanted in the water in our kitchen sink. He LOVES playing in water. He brings some of his toy dishes and favorite foam shapes to play with and he is happy for a long time as long as mom or dad is nearby to interact with him while he plays.
     Along with learning with the Bible we were focused on the letter Nn and number 9.

Monday:Intro Uppercase "N"/The Story of Noah
Books: My n Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure
The Stories of Noah from the Bible
My First Dictionary

Songs:Let's Make Some Noise by Raffi
Arky arky- Searched on youtube for a version I liked.
Who Built the Ark by Raffi

Intro uppercase letter N. Introduce the N vocab words. Uppercase N coloring page

Play with dry elbow and rigatoni noodles

Intro Noah. Read the story from the children's bible.

Rainbow color fingerpaint fun

Tuesday: Intro Number Nine/The Story of Nehamiah
Books:Nine Men and A Hen by Barbara Gregorich
The story of Nehamiah from the children's Bible
My First Dictionary

Songs:Let's Do the Numbers Rhumba by Raffi
Father Abraham from Wee Sing

Review Nn vocab words from the picture dictionary

Napkin water color painting fun

Intro Number Nine and number 9 coloring page

Intro the story of Nehamiah

Pull out the playhouses. Pretend they are the city of Jerusalem. Work together to build a wall with the bigger blocks we own and then play together in the safe a beautiful city of Jerusalem.

When your child is done then take the time to do some fun with seperating and counting. Count out 9 of each different shaped blocks. Have your child help seperate them into different piles and then count the number of blocks in each pile.

Wednesday: Intro Lowercase n/The Story of Ruth and Naomi
Books: The Napping House by Audrey and Don Wood
The Story of Ruth and Naomi from the Children's Bible
My First Dictionary

Songs: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Who Did Swallow Jonah from Wee Sing

Review Nn vocab words from picture dictionary. Intro lowercase n and coloring page.

Play Nurse

Intro Ruth and Naomi. Read the story from the children's book.

Pull out our bigger wooden beads and wirk on stringing them together to make necklaces.

Thursday:Tracing and Scissor Skills/The Story of Job
Book:The Nutcracker by Rachel Isadora
The Story of Job from the children's Bible
My First Dictionary

Songs: All I Really Need by Raffi
Little David Play On Your Harp by Wee Sing
If You're Happy and you Know It Praise God *the sane as if your happy and you know it, but replace clap your hands, stomp your feet, and shout hooray with praise God.

Review Nn vocab words

Practice tracing with work sheet

Scissor skills play

Play with hammer and nails from tool bench

Intro the story of Job...
After words talk about different scenarios like how do you feel if you are given a cookie?
How about if you are wanting mommy or daddy to play but they are busy getting dinner ready?
Go on with different scenarios. Afterwords remind them of Job's story and how we should try to remember to praise God im every moment because God has plams for us all. Sometimes it is hard waiting to find out, but no matter what if we keep Him close He will have our backs just like He did with Job.

Friday:Review Nn Vocab/The Story of Daniel
Books: The First Noel by Janina Domanska
The story of Damiel from the children's Bible
My First Dictionary

The First Noel
Free choice of Songs from this past week

Review Nn vocab words and vocab coloring page

Play with cooked noodles

Intro the story of Daniel

Make paper plate lion masks

What other old testament bible stories have you chosen to focus on with your young pre schooler?

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