Wednesday, December 5, 2018

O Is For Optimism


      Homeschooling your young pre-schooler is a blessing, but let's be real, it does have it's hard stretches too. As homeschooling moms we put the majority of our focus constantly on our kids. Worrying weather our job teaching them measures up to what kids in private or public schools do. Stressing over how non-homeschooling neighbors may disapprove over what they think may seem like a lack of education for your kids (I happen to have one such neighbor who likes to let her opinion on parenting matters known loud and proud). We wonder constantly when we should step back and let our children learn life lessons on their own and when to step in because it really is needed. What to cook for dinner. Getting household chores done amidst hearing your young one beg you to help play a game or take them outside and they are not quite old enough to be out there alone.  Maybe it is when the weather is constantly rainy and cold for the past several weeks and everyone, including you, are all going stir-crazy and all you want to do is go to the bathroom without hearing your little one act like that kind of seperatiom is the end of the world. Or maybe during the week that your family got hit by the flu and you are physically and mentally echausted you just cannot deal. I get those moments of just needing some time to breath, yet not being fully able to because either you are on mom/teaching mode or wife/homemaker mode. Not a whole lot of just you being you mode.
      This is where optimism is hard to keep. Yet, it is also those very moments where optimism is needed the most. When you are feeling buried, chances are your kid is feeling those vibes coming from you (me too). When they feel you are antsy they all of a sudden feel a shift in stability which then mentally stresses them out and they let their stresses out in the only way they know how. To act out more. To be more clingy, and fussy and short tempered. Good quality learning can quickly go out the window during those times too. Those of us who have felt pulled to the blessing that is home educating also must remember that this type of lifestyle is not made for the weak, although society may want us to think that we are weak for choosing to stay home and focus on our families. No, it is made for brave and strong. For women who are not afraid of the added challenges that come with educating and being a mother too and yet embracing those sweet delicious moments we get when we try to remember to think positively about educating the ones we love so much it hurts to breath sometimes.
      We can let those moments I mentioned in my first paragraph rule us, or we can choose to rule them with God's help. Because the fact is even though I may not get a whole lot of "me time" following this path, I get countless snuggles, giggles of wonderful laughter, looks of pure wonder. I get to listen to songs and symphonies  so very precious. I get to feel excitement over watching my son conquer something new for his furst time. Even in the moments I would like to pee in silence I know that for him I am his rock. He is the most secured feeling when I am nearby without seperation, which in it's own way is truely touching. I keep moments that melt my heart in a little book to go back and look at after more difficult days. Reading those helps bring me back to feeling peaceful over the choice to be a homeschooling mom. Good friends I can call and vent every so often is a blessing. Having my mom still around who gets me is truely priceless (she homeschooled all of us, my three siblings and I). Reading uplifting blogs helps me feel not so alone.
     Optimism is crucial. Having the best team of family and friends to help you out when you need it the most is key to keeping your own morale up. Everyone has a hard day every so often. The best thing you can do though is not let your hard day get you down for ever. Enjoy a beer (or glass of wine) after hubby is home. Escape to get a epsom salt bath with sound cancelling head phones and a good book. Go visit Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration  or go for a drive with calming christian music on in the back ground. Beg for a full body massage gift card for Christmas and then make sure to use it. Go for a mom's day out with an old friend. Take some you time. It is the best mood inducer around. You will feel happier which in turn will help your kid (s) too!

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