Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Importance of Keeping Christmas Magical for Little Ones


     This time of year is full of nostalgia, family tradition, sensory fun, anticipation, stress, and sweetness for me as a mother. Sonetimes it can be sad depending on different families and how they save up what little they can for their kids benefit, to help see their kids joy light up their faces during this special time.

      Advent and Christmastime is so neat to watch children use their imaginations and try to work out how a man actually has flying reindeer and knowing what their hearts seem to want the most.

      Three year olds are so fun to see develop even more during this cozy time. It may be super hectic for us, but for them it is a longer wait time and filled with even more family fun activities like bsking cookies, decorating trees, seeing christmas lights light up the neighborhood at night. Snuggling up for family movie nights with old classics. My kid is now obsessed with A Charlie Brown Christmas (somewhat regretting that choice because he has latched onto saying "you're stupid Charlie Brown"...oops!). Cuddling up together during the advent wreath time. Enjoying role playing with the nativity scene while inagining how the true Christmas story was like, which is pretty hard considering how abstract time is for this age. Helping do volunteer work with your church's projects.

      All the family activities should include the little ones somehow at their level because the sensory fun of this time of year is also very educational for them. Keeping Christmas magical and fun is what helps us as adults renember to enjoy this waiting and preparation time too. Soak this sweet age and season while you can. I know I am trying my hardest to.

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