Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Potty Training Take Two....

     The past three days my now 3 year and almost 2 month old boy and I have been holed up in the house undergoing our second attempt at potty training. This second time has gone pretty closely to how our first attempt went. We have decided to try this potty training thing again in another couple of months.

     The first time around he asked to put on big boy underwear, but when it came to sitting on his big boy potty it was a fight when he actually needed to go. I mean an all out terrified for his life kind of fight. The kind of fight where we did not want the potty training thing to feel like a cruel punishment for him. This time around he was still scared to sit on the potty chair when it came time for him to really need to go, but not the full on fight like before. No, it was more like silent refusal. The kind where he would sit for 15 minutes and refuse to go, but then as soon as he was allowed to get up he would find somewhere (thankfully he preferred the kitchen floor but still ugh)  and immediately laugh while peeing...every time. Not one successful attempt at getting him to pee on his big boy potty. I do not want him thinking it is normal to just run around the house and pee and poo wherever he wants because he still is unsure of the potty chair. So after three days of this we cane to the conclusion that we will chill out on the potty training. Honestly, at the end of the day my child has to be fully mentally ready to want to potty on the big boy potty and that is how it should be.

     Things that helped me while going through these crazy days were chocolate, v8 energy drinks, leftovers for dinners, a sense of humor, and good carpet cleaner with the urine cleaning aspect added to it. Also a nice foot massage from my hubby after our child was asleep for the night helped immensely and the elmo potty time dvd and charlie brown's Christmas dvds (my kid is OBSESSED with Charlie Brown) were vital.

     What things did you find vital to keep your sanity while attempting potty training you kiddo? Please share!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha!!! How is it going, Momma? I hope you decided to wait till holidays are over and done! I think you did or you would have shared success news. Praying for you both. Love, another mom!


Sorry For My Absence